Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Io Non ho Paura - I'm Not Scared

Abis dari burangrang langsung nonton beginiian. Masih dalam rangka festifal film italia. Layarnya sudah mendingan dinaikin jadi subnya keliatan dari belakang. Sinopsis dari imdb:

When the boy picks up his sister's glasses and first finds the hidden trap door under the hay, he is wearing a red t-shirt. AS he looks into the dungeon he is wearing a white tank-top, and in the next shot he is once again wearing the red t-shirt. When Michele's mother cleans blood from between his nose and lips, more blood is visible from his lips down onto his chin, but with the next shot, the blood on his chin is gone. When the boy picks up his sister's glasses and first finds the hidden trap door under the hay, he is wearing a red t-shirt. AS he looks into the dungeon he is wearing a white tank-top, and in the next shot he is once again wearing the red t-shirt. When Michele is getting ready to leave Filippo after giving him the bread, the rope going into the hole disappears quickly for one shot and then reappears for the rest of the scene.
Ceritanya lucu deh tentang penculikan dipandang dari sudut anak kecil yang polos banget. Lucu juga ketika temannya berkianat demi nyetir mobil. Hahahahaha. Ada-ada aja anak kecil ini. Sayang dvdnya suka ngadat jadi agak-agak keganggu nontonnya.

di muntahkan oleh sawung@psik-itb.org

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